Tube hydroforming

Within metal processing, Tube hydroforming is an innovative process that allows realizing extremely complex structures with a saving in processing and timing.

The process

Tube hydroforming is mechanical processing that uses a specific fluid and high pressure for plastic deformation. The tube made of steel, stainless steel or aluminum gets placed inside an already molded die and gets plastic-formed using a hydraulic fluid brought to very high pressure. It's a cutting-edge innovation that helps saving time and resources. In our factory, the tube hydroforming machine uses a 1.000 tons hydraulic press with an injection system achieving a pressure of up to 3.000 bar.

Ricos has gained experience through the years in developing and creating in-house tooling and equipment. This solution allows shortening the time-to-market and the lead time, delivering the finished item as soon as possible according to the customer's requirements.

Advantages of the hydroforming process

  • An extension of the range of available products with more technical solutions and brand-new methods. 
  • Hydroforming is also a process that allows greater design freedom even in the processing of complex elements.
  • Tube hydroforming presents itself also as an excellent solution in place of (or as a supplement) in more complex processes like tube welding and bending. Less assembled or welded parts means higher safety and mechanical resistance.

These advantages made hydroforming a cutting-edge process for many fields: taps and fitting, pharmaceutical, high-pressure sector. A reference industry for Ricos is definitely e-mobility: thanks to hydroforming, solid and complex structures in aluminum, as can be the frame for electric bikes or folding bikes, can be processed with just one step and with higher resistance to impacts and wear.   

metal tube hydroformed

Hydroformed aluminium tube for a part of a chair's frame.

tube-based part made with hydroforming process

Aluminium tube realized through an hydroforming process.

metal tube hydroformed

The aluminium tube was deformed through a hydroforming process.

If you want to receive more information about our tube hydroforming service or a personalized quote, send us your requests using the form below, we will contact you as soon as possible.

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Ricos S.r.l.

Via Aldo Moro, 9 
36060 Pianezze San Lorenzo (VI) - ITALY
T: +39 0424 472021 F: +39 0424 474371
P.IVA 02508960248 - C.F. 02508960248 
ISO 9001:2008